Saturday, July 31, 2010

Snakes & Ladders

Life's just one big game of snakes and ladders, right?

You invest so much of yourself into pulling your weight up each rung,

only to trip up

and slide down a long, nasty, slithery python.

And it doesn't matter how many snake bites you get, 

you have to keep rolling the dice in spite of it all.

Some people shoot up more ladders, and faster than you ever could.

Some people trip on meaner snakes and slip further than you ever might.

And some people can somehow manage to avoid both.

Yesterday was another of my snakey trip-ups.

But it's people like her that help me to climb back up the ladders.

Time to roll the dice again...

Friday, July 16, 2010

You'll Have To Swing It

Well, children.

The day has finally arrived.

For the first time in around four years, I am going to start blogging again.

This year has taken me on a pretty rough ride so far, but the silver lining seems to be starting to appear somewhere in my sub-conscious.

I can safely say that, at the moment, I am happy... at least, the happiest I can remember being in a very long time. I know there are two specific things in my life that have helped this happen;

  • Singing (but most importantly, being lucky enough to sing with Caitlin Smith every Sunday. Somewhere in my youth & childhood, I must have done something good. Cheese!)

  • My friends (I can't really go listing names because that's both inclusive and exclusive and I'm not into that) but, rest assured, you know who you are (I hope) and thank you, thank you, thank you.

This is just a little starter post because, well, you've got to start somewhere, right?

Thank you for taking the time to read :)

I (probably) love (nearly) all of you, haha.
